Sunday Morning
Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week (Sunday) and for almost 2000 years, Jesus' followers have gathered together on Sunday to worship him.
We gather together at 10:30AM to sing, pray, read God's word and hear it explained and applied to our everyday lives.
There is a Sunday School and Nursery facilities available during the main message for children and toddlers.
Sunday Evening
The Christian life should be personal, but never private. At 6PM on Sundays we gather together again for Growth Groups.
We sit in smaller groups around a table together with hot drinks and biscuits. We share prayer requests and pray for each other.
After a short message that summarises some of what we learned on Sunday morning we discuss together how the gospel can impact our lives in the coming week.

Some people mistakingly believe that the building is the church. The church is the gathering of the people, wherever they meet.
On Wednesday nights we meet together in each others homes to sing, study God's word together and pray.
Venues changes weekly. If you would like to know more about this week, don't hesitate to get in touch.
On Tuesdays from 2-4PM we have Gentle Exercise to Music for Seniors.
This is a great opportunity for fun and friendship.

Prayer Partners and Trios
The Bible teaches us to bear each others burdens and to pray for each other. Prayer Partners and Trios is a great opportunity to do that.
Each person is assigned to one or two other people in the church and it is left to them to decide when to meet together and how often.
The goal is to encourage each other and pray together over the coming months.

We have a number of activities for young people of all ages, from toddlers to teens, throughout the week.
Click here for more information on our Youth Programme.

Backpack Outreach
Jesus teaches us to love all people. Especially those who have found themselves in difficult circumstances.
As the colder months come, we head out into the town centres of Stoke with backpacks full of useful things to hand out to those who are homeless.
You would be welcome to join us on Monday nights. If you are not able to come, you can also be involved through preparing backpacks.
We do lots of other things together as a church family. From 5-a-side football, hikes out in the Peak District, book clubs, breakfasts, Sunday meals, cycles along the Canal, picnics in the park.
Keep an eye on our Events page to see what we're up to next.