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Bible Study Group


Youth Club Meeting

We have a packed youth programme for children of all ages throughout the week, from toddlers to university students.

All of our volunteers are DBS certified and our safeguarding policy is upheld in all scenarios.

Sunday School

Children are more than welcome in our Sunday morning gathering. They will stay in amongst us for the first half as we sing, pray and read from the Bible. When the main teaching from the Bible is beginning the children are invited to go into Sunday School.

Children Reading the Holy Bible

Growth Groups

During Growth Groups on Sunday 6PM there will be tables specifically for teens and for students. Growth Groups is an opportunity for people in the same walk of life to pray for and grow together.


Each table will have designated adult to help lead the discussion together.

Toddler Group

Little Stars, Wednesday, 10-11.30AM. During term time parents, guardians and carers are invited to bring their toddlers along for toys, games, snacks and songs.


There is a 50p charge for each child.

Playing toddlers
Planting Seeds


Every Thursday, 6.00-7.30PM, we have a youth club for primary school children. 


There are games, crafts, snacks and a story from the Bible.

Youth Group

On Thursday nights, 7.30 - 9PM our teens gather together for games, snacks and a message from the Bible.


On the last Thursday of the month this meeting won't be on as we have another event on the Friday night instead (More about this below).

College Friends


On the last Friday of the month, in partnership with other churches in the city, we meet together with other youth groups for a bigger youth event.​

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